- save(force) {
- if (this.get("disableSubmit")) return;
- // Clear the warning state if we're not showing the checkbox anymore
- if (!this.get('showWarning')) {
- this.set('model.isWarning', false);
- }
- const composer = this.get('model');
- if (composer.get('cantSubmitPost')) {
- this.set('lastValidatedAt', Date.now());
- return;
- }
- composer.set('disableDrafts', true);
- // for now handle a very narrow use case
- // if we are replying to a topic AND not on the topic pop the window up
- if (!force && composer.get('replyingToTopic')) {
- const currentTopic = this.get('topicModel');
- if (!currentTopic || currentTopic.get('id') !== composer.get('topic.id'))
- {
- const message = I18n.t("composer.posting_not_on_topic");
- let buttons = [{
- "label": I18n.t("composer.cancel"),
- "class": "d-modal-cancel",
- "link": true
- }];
- if (currentTopic) {
- buttons.push({
- "label": I18n.t("composer.reply_here") + "<br/><div class='topic-title overflow-ellipsis'>" + currentTopic.get('fancyTitle') + "</div>",
- "class": "btn btn-reply-here",
- callback: () => {
- composer.set('topic', currentTopic);
- composer.set('post', null);
- this.save(true);
- }
- });
- }
- buttons.push({
- "label": I18n.t("composer.reply_original") + "<br/><div class='topic-title overflow-ellipsis'>" + this.get('model.topic.fancyTitle') + "</div>",
- "class": "btn-primary btn-reply-on-original",
- callback: () => this.save(true)
- });
- bootbox.dialog(message, buttons, { "classes": "reply-where-modal" });
- return;
- }
- }
- var staged = false;
- // TODO: This should not happen in model
- const imageSizes = {};
- $('#reply-control .d-editor-preview img').each((i, e) => {
- const $img = $(e);
- const src = $img.prop('src');
- if (src && src.length) {
- imageSizes[src] = { width: $img.width(), height: $img.height() };
- }
- });
- const promise = composer.save({ imageSizes, editReason: this.get("editReason")}).then(result=> {
- if (result.responseJson.action === "enqueued") {
- this.send('postWasEnqueued', result.responseJson);
- this.destroyDraft();
- this.close();
- this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:refresh');
- return result;
- }
- // If user "created a new topic/post" or "replied as a new topic" successfully, remove the draft.
- if (result.responseJson.action === "create_post" || this.get('replyAsNewTopicDraft') || this.get('replyAsNewPrivateMessageDraft')) {
- this.destroyDraft();
- }
- if (this.get('model.action') === 'edit') {
- this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:refresh', { id: parseInt(result.responseJson.id) });
- if (result.responseJson.post.post_number === 1) {
- this.appEvents.trigger('header:update-topic', composer.get('topic'));
- }
- } else {
- this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:refresh');
- }
- if (result.responseJson.action === "create_post") {
- this.appEvents.trigger('post:highlight', result.payload.post_number);
- }
- this.close();
- const currentUser = Discourse.User.current();
- if (composer.get('creatingTopic')) {
- currentUser.set('topic_count', currentUser.get('topic_count') + 1);
- } else {
- currentUser.set('reply_count', currentUser.get('reply_count') + 1);
- }
- const disableJumpReply = Discourse.User.currentProp('disable_jump_reply');
- if (!composer.get('replyingToTopic') || !disableJumpReply) {
- const post = result.target;
- if (post && !staged) {
- DiscourseURL.routeTo(post.get('url'));
- }
- }
- }).catch(error => {
- composer.set('disableDrafts', false);
- this.appEvents.one('composer:will-open', () => bootbox.alert(error));
- });
- if (this.get('application.currentRouteName').split('.')[0] === 'topic' &&
- composer.get('topic.id') === this.get('topicModel.id')) {
- staged = composer.get('stagedPost');
- }
- this.appEvents.trigger('post-stream:posted', staged);
- this.messageBus.pause();
- promise.finally(() => this.messageBus.resume());
- return promise;
- },