Sell membership, access, privileges and trust levels on your forum.
1. Live Example
You can see a live example just on this forum:
More, you can try it yourself! The green membership plan («Tester») is just for your tests
You can buy it for $1 and you will automatically get Trust Level 1 and membership in the «Tester» user group on this forum.
2. Copyright / License / Source code
Copyright 2015 - 2016 Dmitry Fedyuk
Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2.0 (or later).
Source code:
3. My paid services
- Installation
- 1 year support
- An integration with a custom payment service instead of PayPal
- A custom feature implementation
- A custom frontend design implementation
4. System requirements
Before installing the plugin, you should move your forum to the HTTPS protocol, because PayPal will discountinue support for Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) through the HTTP protocol after June of 2017.
5. Version history
3.5: 2016-12-22
3.4: 2016-12-14
3.3: 2016-12-13
3.2: 2016-12-12
3.1: 2016-10-03
3.0: 2015-08-31
2.0: 2015-08-02
1.0: 2015-07-11
6. Demo video
6.1. Subscription plans creation:
6.2. Currency setup:
6.3. Payment:
7. How it works
Payment page is accessible through user dropdown menu:
The payment page looks like this:
It is fully customizable: all the membership plans, prices, business rules, texts, colors are editable through admin panel (see below).
The number of membership plans is unlimited: it can be 1, 3, 10, or whatever you want
After selecting a membership plan the customer will be redirected to the PayPal website to pay:
And after successful payment the customer will be redirected back to the forum and AUTOMATICALLY granted specified group membership and trust levels:
8. Admin part
So, how it organized inside?
First of all, decide what you want to sell.
Setup your forum groups, trust levels, permissions…
Then setup «Paid Membership» plugin.
Below the real settings of «Paid Membership» plugin on this forum:
Next, setup the payment gateway (PayPal):
That’s all!