How to assign a static IP address to a VMware Workstation guest?

Step 1

Find out the MAC address of the VMwware Workstation guest.

Step 2

Find out the range of IP addresses that the VMware Workstation’s virtual DHCP service provides on the VMnet8 (NAT) virtual network.

Step 3

Add the following block to the «Virtual ethernet segment 8» section of the vmnetdhcp.conf file:

host <your host name> {
    hardware ethernet <your MAC address from the Step 1>;
    fixed-address <an arbitrary IP address from the Step 2 range>;

In my case:

host ubuntu {
    hardware ethernet 00:0C:29:48:38:8C;
  • I have the 00:0C:29:48:38:8C MAC address.
  • I have the - range, and I have chosen the IP address.

Step 4

Restart the «VMware DHCP Service» in your Windows host:

See also: